Motorola: An Unexpected Gift (Episodic Series)
In this thumb-stopping series, we meet three couples who have been challenged to find their significant other a gift unlike anything they have ever gotten. We cast real couples and armed them with three things: money, a smartphone (the MotoZ) and the task of thinking outside of the box this holiday season. No rules.
Each episode features one couple. Each significant other was given forty five minutes to find the perfect gift for the other one in and around Soho in New York City. At the end, we showcase an on-camera reveal, capturing the genuine reactions to their partners choice of gift.
This series is a humorous and honest revelation of the gift-giving process. Does each person really appreciate the gifts they are given? We will reveal the truth behind the fun, yet often dreaded process of holiday gift giving.
MotoZ as a branded sponsor (part of Motorola) is organically integrated in each episode as one of the tools each person uses to get around the city. For example, the Moto Z was used as the stopwatch to time their shops, as a research tool to find out what was around them, a mapping tool to find their way around, as a camera to document their progress etc.