Party Poker: Garden State Super Series 2015 Teaser
Our continued work with Party Poker saw us create a trailer for their 2015 Garden State Super Series online poker tournament.
Our motion graphics animationAnimation brings still images to life, creating the illusion of movement and telling stories in a visually captivating way. It can be 2D (flat) or 3D (adding depth and dimension). saw us animating some custom Party Pokerpoker chips with all the tournament information being presented on them. As each chip falls, the one below it is smashed offering a very dynamic but impactful trailer for this very awesome online Poker tournament. The videoVideo is a powerful visual medium that combines moving images, sound, and text to convey messages, tell stories, and engage audiences. It is used across platforms and industries to inform, entertain, and inspire. was used on Party Poker's social channels to help buzz for the NJ Garden State Super Series.
Our motion graphics animationAnimation brings still images to life, creating the illusion of movement and telling stories in a visually captivating way. It can be 2D (flat) or 3D (adding depth and dimension). saw us animating some custom Party Pokerpoker chips with all the tournament information being presented on them. As each chip falls, the one below it is smashed offering a very dynamic but impactful trailer for this very awesome online Poker tournament. The videoVideo is a powerful visual medium that combines moving images, sound, and text to convey messages, tell stories, and engage audiences. It is used across platforms and industries to inform, entertain, and inspire. was used on Party Poker's social channels to help buzz for the NJ Garden State Super Series.