Coach: 2016 Brand Sizzle

February 9, 2016
Coach: 2016 Brand Sizzle

Coach have been going through a major brand transformation over the past few years, away from being just an accessories company and instead moving towards cementing themselves as a luxury fashion brand. As such, Coach wanted to celebrate this by creating two brand sizzle reels that showcased all the amazing work they have been doing since Stuart Vevers took over as Executive Creative Director.

The sizzle reels needed to highlight all these best bits in terms of actual fashion films, runway shows, parties & events and all the amazing press coverage they have been securing also. There was two distinct reels created that are based off the same them, the idea was where it would be shown. One was the main sizzle and then there was a second one that was male skewed with a heavier focus on all the amazing men’s fashions slightly more.

Above you can see the main film, with the men’s one being available for viewing below:

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