Wardrobe: App Intro
With almost 40,000 new apps released every month, we had to make sure the new Wardrobe app which allows its users to exchange and borrow high-fashion clothing would stand out from the crowd. The introduction to the app is the front door for the person using it, so we went above and beyond with this videoVideo is a powerful visual medium that combines moving images, sound, and text to convey messages, tell stories, and engage audiences. It is used across platforms and industries to inform, entertain, and inspire., welcoming everyone to it in the coolest way possible.
Taking a bank of awesome content from the team including clips of real users of the app, we had fun playing around with it all in very unique ways.
Our creative agency goes the extra mile as always, we took the time to hand-cut real pieces of paper, filmed on a green screen, and then added stop motion to achieve an old-school and hyped look and feel. We ran assets through one of our many vintage video cameras to add true and unique VHS effects, created custom motion graphics for the logo and text moments, and composed mixed media animationAnimation brings still images to life, creating the illusion of movement and telling stories in a visually captivating way. It can be 2D (flat) or 3D (adding depth and dimension). layers and textures to help bring fresh, new, and unique vibes to each frame. We also chopped and mashed together some of the wildest and coolest imagery combinations, including a buffering effect called “data moshing” that almost makes you think the video is broken.
Weird, cool, intriguing, and fresh, our Wardrobe film plays the perfect role in introducing someone using the app to what it’s about in an instant.