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10 Essential Production Tips for Creative Studios

In the fast-paced world of creative studios, efficient production processes are key to success. Discover 10 essential tips to boost your studio’s productivity and creative output, from embracing the power of planning to utilizing cutting-edge tools and technology.

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Unlock Your Brand’s Potential with Creative Consulting

Unlock your brand's potential with creative consulting in our insightful blog 'Unlock Your Brand's Potential with Creative Consulting'.

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macOS How To: Free Up Excess System Data Quickly & Easily

Discover how to quickly and easily free up excess system data on macOS. This step-by-step guide will help you clear space, speed up performance, and keep your Mac running smoothly.

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CreateSmarts: Relax, creativity comes after
January 20, 2018 by Jack in Tips, Tricks & Hacks 0 Comments

CreativityCreativity is the ability to generate new ideas, concepts, or solutions by thinking in unique, innovative, and unconventional ways. It is the foundation of innovation, problem-solving, and artistic expression. is demanding. It’s exciting, challenging, and sometimes exhausting. Creative blocks can hit you at any moment. You still need to meet deadlines. This sometimes means working through the night, or until the early hours of the morning or for an endless amount of hours. Given this amount of pressure, some of us wipe out. If you don’t give yourself time away from work, even for a few days you’re most likely to experience a decline in your health and your business. This comes in many forms, and you may not notice them until the worst possible moment.   Reward yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back every now and again. More so when you’re working on a tight deadline or a large project that’s taking up a lot of time. This could be just taking one day off, with no interaction with work projects. Take some time for you and explore something you’ve always wanted to do. A show, a film, whatever it is. Lift. Heavy shit.  As you’ve heard […]

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Redirect to a new page at the end of a Youtube video on a WordPress Installation

We promised ourselves that as and when we overcome hurdles that we would post these results here so that other people can save time and effort by utilizing our solutions. These tips and tricks are from all over the board, and across all the mediums in which we work. Today’s is coding, and is related to both javascript and the YouTube API. Essentially, the code below allows you to redirect a user to a new URL once a Youtube videoVideo is a powerful visual medium that combines moving images, sound, and text to convey messages, tell stories, and engage audiences. It is used across platforms and industries to inform, entertain, and inspire. has ended.  This involves two things. You have to first make sure your embeds are using the Youtube Javascript API as this is what allows you to set a listener which triggers a redirect at the end of a video. Secondly, this code below specifically relates to people using WordPress as their sites install. This code was created for our website <a href=”http://altsds.co”>AltSounds</a>, where we needed to use this trick to keep the music never-ending for our visitors. There are obviously items that are going to be different […]

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Mac OS Tip: How to Save an Application that has the Beach Ball of Death

This scenario is going to sound familiar to all of you reading this. While you’re usually a COMMAND & S god, today for some reason you’ve forgotten to do it.  Then, out of the blue, you do something, and up pops the famous Mac OS X Apple spinning beach ball of death. You’re a believer though, so you decide to give it a little time to allow it to “fix itself”. As such you go buy a coffee, or go smoke a cigarette – five minutes should be enough time for the computer to figure out what’s happening right? You come back to your desk and it’s still there. You start losing hope. That’s when you realize you’ve probably spent two hours working on something without saving and, of course, Adobe‘s auto-save hasn’t been efficiently working as per usual. As such you stand to lose a lot of work. Stop the spinning beach ball of death Eventually, as happens for all of us, you give up and Force Quit command (⌘⌥ esc) in the Apple Menu, lose the work and then have to re-do it all over again. The problem is that the second time around, the work never seems […]

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LifeHack: Apple Pay
September 24, 2016 by riotwashere in Tips, Tricks & Hacks 0 Comments

Apple Pay is the future of payments. Discover how its seamless transactions, enhanced security, and speed can revolutionize your shopping experience both in-store and online.

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Adobe Premiere Tip: Flashing video caused by adjustment layers in Adobe Premiere
September 22, 2016 by riotwashere in Tips, Tricks & Hacks 0 Comments

At RIOT, we love Adobe and their product range. We have been avid (weird use of words considering that this is a competitor product but hey ho!) users for years and fully support and love everything they have done for the creative industry through their software. That said, as with anything, every now and again you find yourself running into bugs and glitches (like the when Adobe Premiere Pro screen goes black) that have you scratching your head in desperate hopes to find a solution. These issues always seem to happen when you are on a time crunch too. What is smooth sailing normally becomes an issue right when you need it – some bug or glitch comes out of the left field and starts to really press on your deadline. Flashing Black Glitch Over the past few weeks we have seen a technical glitch happen where projects using adjustment layers in Adobe Premier Pro have a horrible glitch/flickering of black throughout when rendering or exporting. We experienced this on two different and completely separate projects this week. After searching on Google for a solution and reading thread after thread about this issue, there really seemed to be no solution to be […]

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