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#Music Industry Inspired: Sleep Token
July 4, 2024 by Jack in Music 0 Comments

At RIOT, music is more than just a passion—it’s the pulse of our creativity. We’ve always championed bands and artists pushing the boundaries of music and their entire package to the outside world, or, as it’s 2024, their “branding.”. One band that epitomizes this ethos is Sleep Token. Their unique branding, an intricate blend of mystique, musical innovation, and visual textures resonates deeply with us and fuels our creative vision at RIOT. The Genesis of Sleep Token Sleep Token appeared on the scene in 2016, almost out of nowhere, with their debut single, “Thread the Needle,” presenting a sound that defies conventional genres. Their music is an eclectic mix of progressive metal, ambient soundscapes, and soulful melodies that immediately captured our attention. However, it is their branding—rooted in anonymity and mystery—that truly sets them apart and aligns with our philosophy at RIOT. Sleep Token’s enigmatic presence, led by the mysterious figure known only as Vessel, involves members donning masks and robes, keeping their identities concealed and emphasizing the art over the artist. This approach isn’t just a gimmick; it’s a core element of their brand, allowing the audience to immerse themselves fully in the music and the narrative. The Mythos […]

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Unearthed James Blake Interview from 2013
June 18, 2024 by riotwashere in Music, The Vault 0 Comments

In an epic twist of fate, today we unearthed the legendary lost archives of AltSounds, back when it was a cutting-edge music blog with a global team of writers diving deep into the world’s best talent. We grabbed the SQL database, loaded MYSQL up and started to dig into this treasure trove that includes this stellar 2013 James Blake interview, conducted by the phenomenal Margaux Knecht. RIOT collaborated directly with Margaux when she worked as a producer at our good friends Coach — she has since skyrocketed to success as an entrepreneur. Get hyped, because we’re about to drop a year’s worth of mind-blowing interviews and rare gems from the RIOT Vault. Stay tuned as we unleash the ultimate throwback, bringing the AltSounds legacy back to life! James Blake Interview: A Deep Dive into Overgrown and More, May 2013. It’s almost impossible to categorize the British singer-songwriter James Blake, much less describe his body of work to someone who is not familiar with his sound. His music has evolved so much over the past few years though, that it really would be a disservice to try do so anyways. With classical piano training, beautiful vocals, evolving sonic textures, and beats […]

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#Music Industry Inspired: Steve Albini (RIP)
May 15, 2024 by Jack in Music 0 Comments

At RIOT, music isn’t just in our bones; it’s the heartbeat of our creativity. From our early days in bands, producing records, to running zines, we’ve always pushed musical boundaries in the creative world. One legendary musical figure who embodies this spirit is the late Steve Albini, a legendary musician, music producer and audio engineer who died last week. This week, we re-discovered an inspiring letter he wrote to Nirvana in 1992, just before working on their iconic album, and our personal favorite “In Utero.” Albini’s Unfiltered Philosophy And His Candid Take on the Music Industry Albini’s letter, featured in Shaun Usher’s Letters of Note Substack, offers an unfiltered glimpse into his creative philosophy. Addressed to Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl, and Krist Novoselic, the letter is brutally honest and deeply insightful. At a time when Nirvana was at the height of their popularity, Albini’s candid advice must have been a breath of fresh air for the band amidst industry pressures. In his letter, Albini refers to industry executives as “front office bullet-heads” and cautions Nirvana against letting them interfere with their music. He emphasizes the importance of the band’s mood during recording, stating, “I have seen a direct correlation between […]

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Echoes of Resilience: Ren’s ‘Sick Boi’ and the Enduring Allure of Audio Tapes
November 16, 2023 by riotwashere in Music 0 Comments

Discover the raw artistry of Ren's 'Sick Boi' in our latest RIOT journal entry. Dive into the world of audio tape revival and experience how this Welsh rapper's personal narrative is driving a resurgence of musical tangibility.

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Video of the Day: Ásgeir – Unbound
March 9, 2017 by riotwashere in Music, Featured 0 Comments

“Unbound” by Ásgeir has been doing the rounds at Riot HQ for quite a few weeks now – giving it enough staying power for us to want to share with the rest of the world.  A glitchy, mellow and futuristic sounding song with absolutely stunning falsetto vocals that simply melt in your mouth, “Unbound” is the perfect level of eclectic weirdness that we adore. The beautifully shot and unique video deals in an unknown virtual reality world, where the subjects are able to express their deepest and darkest desires, through a futuristic virtual reality lens.  Throughout the film we watch multiple storylines intertwine, hooking us in right from the beginning until the last note rings out. We’ve been following Ásgeir and his work for many years – it just keeps getting better and better.  We advise everyone that loves this go back and check out more of Ásgeir’s work as it is sure to cleanse your musical palette. Click play and enjoy the magic.

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Song / Video of the Day: Wennink – Dissolve
February 18, 2017 by riotwashere in Music 0 Comments

“Dissolve” has been haunting me for a few weeks now.  Every time that sombre piano hits after the initial glitch, I find my mood instantly resets. I give sole focus to the song every single time.  I mean hell, “Dissolve” made me get on here and write this, that’s the power within it. It’s stunning, clever, thought provoking and pulls you into another dimension, where only you and the song exist for a moment. “Dissolve” makes me reflect on me and my day, rather than focusing on anyone else or even the song itself (and the intricacies contained within it) – it’s happy to just take me on a journey.  So my day huh? Today, I got the Santa Cruz blue hand with the mouth inside it tattooed on me and it looks rad, I worked all day (still am) and I’m currently waiting on the second burrito from Essex Taco in the Lower East Side on busy Friday night, within one hour, because it was that divine – I also just got called to check I actually wanted the second burrito!  It’s the first time Seamless and I have done express re-order and it’s dangerous. I was going to just put “Dissolve” up as […]

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Song / Video of the Day: “Half Below” by TEPR
October 12, 2016 by riotwashere in Music, Film 0 Comments

We’re always on the look out for a good track to work too. If you get the right song, where you just can’t help but jive with it, then you’re golden. You’re inspired, your ass is moving back and forth in the seat – you’re just generally far more happy with your current situation because of that song. Well “Half Below” by TEPR is our latest “song to work to” gem that we discovered and just can’t get enough of. We were so inspired in fact that we also put together some of our own imagery inspired by listening to the song on loop. We recommend you listen to the song a bunch of times before actually moving on to the video at all. Fall in love with the song first and the video gives you this awesome addition to something you weren’t sure could get better. The song version is 5:55 in length, whereas the video version is just a minuscule 2:14 – although it packs a massive punch in that short time with some fantastic inspiring visuals that are unique, well done and funny (our favorite being the skull kitting himself with his bones as if he is […]

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The Greatest Playlist Of All Time #1 Q3 2016
September 28, 2016 by riotwashere in Music, Featured 0 Comments

In case you haven’t noticed, at RIOT we absolutely adore music – in case our amazing sister site AltSounds didn’t make you already realize this! It’s our favorite medium for art, no other art form can place you back to a time in your life where you can fully picture and see a whole scene in your head, simply thanks to a certain song that brings it all flooding back. As such, we’re listening to music almost all of the time; in the background as we work, while we walk, skate, cycle, drive, party. Of the thousands of songs we listen to every single month, there are some that stand out from the crowd. The ones that make you skip back instantly and listen again and again and again like a drug habit you can’t kick. These best of the bunch songs are rare though, sometimes very rare with only one coming to us over a two week period, other weeks there might be a few. At the start of July we decided to start putting together a playlist every quarter aptly titled “The Greatest Playlist Of All Time” because, well, it is! We decided on doing one a quarter […]

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Song Of The Day: Kate Tempest – Europe Is Lost
September 13, 2016 by riotwashere in Music, Featured 0 Comments

“Europe is Lost” is Kate Tempest’s protest to the world’s current state of affairs through her lens. It’s an instant hook for anyone listening, with hats tipping towards Cypress Hill in the beat, while Kate spits rhymes with absolute style and lyrical prowess driven by her fantastic British accent. She paints a vivid picture of her world, her take on immigration, the police, selfie culture, life on the weekend in her hometown and many other relevant topics. Her rhymes are relentless and, while she focuses on her close locale, she discusses the bigger picture of the world. “Europe is Lost” challenges a plethora of issues which we’re always a fan of, whether we agree with the content or not (the immigrant / patriotism mentions for example). We’d rather have someone state their thoughts and opinions freely, than suffer the blatant censorship we see all around us. A challenging one for sure, but well worth giving it time.

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Song Of The Day: M83 – Do It, Try It
September 7, 2016 by riotwashere in Music 0 Comments

This is a perfectly odd song. It begins with a weird chant that keeps telling you to “Do It” and “Try It” over a very cool 90s sounding piano straight out of the Euro Dance era. After a brief verse the chorus drops perfectly and turns into some molly filled warehouse rave anthem before switching to a sweeney synth solo, that follows with the most fun and bounciest bass sound we have potentially ever heard! We honesty don’t know how M83 keeps creating such amazing movie inspired musical masterpieces. You can literally put their music under any edit and it will look better because of it! We also decided to embed the awesomely weird animated talking dog head version M83 has on his Youtube that was created by blør because, well, who doesn’t like a singing dog head in space?

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