“Dissolve” has been haunting me for a few weeks now. Every time that sombre piano hits after the initial glitch, I find my mood instantly resets. I give sole focus to the song every single time. I mean hell, “Dissolve” made me get on here and write this, that’s the power within it. It’s stunning, clever, thought provoking and pulls you into another dimension, where only you and the song exist for a moment. “Dissolve” makes me reflect on me and my day, rather than focusing on anyone else or even the song itself (and the intricacies contained within it) – it’s happy to just take me on a journey. So my day huh? Today, I got the Santa Cruz blue hand with the mouth inside it tattooed on me and it looks rad, I worked all day (still am) and I’m currently waiting on the second burrito from Essex Taco in the Lower East Side on busy Friday night, within one hour, because it was that divine – I also just got called to check I actually wanted the second burrito! It’s the first time Seamless and I have done express re-order and it’s dangerous. I was going to just put “Dissolve” up as […]