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macOS How To: Free Up Excess System Data Quickly & Easily

If, like me, you use your computer to video edit, design, make music or motion graphics then you will be fairly familiar with that feeling of your computer starting to slow down from the hard drive filling up. When investigating you find that of the 1TB system drive on your computer there is only 10GB left. So you click the apple icon, about this Mac and then storage and notice that 600GB of it is taken up by “system data” but what the hell is that? System data is made up of a plethora of different things and in this guide we’re going to show you a few simple options to instantly free up a lot of space and get you back to your editing!  There are other things but we found that doing these two options was enough to free up 100’s of GB. — Option 1: Delete Time Machine Local Snapshots Mac computers keep a local copy of your Time Machine backups in case an external drive becomes unavailable. It is supposed to keep them until space is needed but this doesn’t always seem to work and a quick and easy way to free up System Data space […]

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