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LifeHack: Apple Pay
September 24, 2016 by riotwashere in Tips, Tricks & Hacks 0 Comments

We only just started getting into Apple Pay since the release of the new iPhone OS 10. It prompted us to turn it on when we upgraded and made it really easy to do so. Also we were in the mood with trying a new payment method because the advent of the chip & PIN in New York has been annoying to say the least. Do I swipe? Do I put my card in? Why does the Chip & PIN process take so long anyways? All of these questions are very apparent and this terrible roll out of new technology blubber by the credit card companies has paved the way for Apple Pay to take over for all iPhone owners. What’s best of all is the process for payment, thanks to the fingerprint technology in the home button makes payment not only easy as can be, but the approval process is instant. After using it just once, we shifted our thought process on the way we pay for things moving forward because, as weird as it sounds we think a significant amount of time could be saved using it. So what’s the process? It’s simple as can be. When the […]

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Adobe Premiere Tip: Flashing video caused by adjustment layers in Adobe Premiere
September 22, 2016 by riotwashere in Tips, Tricks & Hacks 0 Comments

At RIOT, we love Adobe and their product range. We have been avid (weird use of words considering that this is a competitor product but hey ho!) users for years and fully support and love everything they have done for the creative industry through their software. That said, as with anything, every now and again you find yourself running into bugs and glitches (like the when Adobe Premiere Pro screen goes black) that have you scratching your head in desperate hopes to find a solution. These issues always seem to happen when you are on a time crunch too. What is smooth sailing normally becomes an issue right when you need it – some bug or glitch comes out of the left field and starts to really press on your deadline. Flashing Black Glitch Over the past few weeks we have seen a technical glitch happen where projects using adjustment layers in Adobe Premier Pro have a horrible glitch/flickering of black throughout when rendering or exporting. We experienced this on two different and completely separate projects this week. After searching on Google for a solution and reading thread after thread about this issue, there really seemed to be no solution to be […]

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